Numismatic Catalog of Venezuela
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The information that is displayed in the website is the result of an constant research, done with the collaboration of many people that send reports.

The most active research are pieces since 2007, due to the imposibility to obtain official information, and also the cataloging of banknotes before the creation of the Central Bank, known as "Private Bank" issues.

- A banknote piece with unknown serie prefix or out of estimated or known serial interval does not necessarily means that it's a unique and rare piece.

Due to the absence of official information, piece distribution in the country, difficulties and limits to the inhabitants to access paper money, specially since 2017 approximately, make difficult the studies and estimation of banknote issues.

The warning apply also for known pieces due to the reserved information from collectors.

The precision and quality of the information depends on these previouly mentioned factors, received reports and social network information.
New pieces

Research is carried out to catalog new pieces, being current or historic. For historic pieces, among catalogued pieces are unknown issues, proof, specimen and variety, specially banknotes before the creation of the Central Bank of Venezuela.

Reports of new pieces can be done by sending a photograph through Contact. If possible, the website uses and provides a both side photografic reference of the piecem and it could be improved further.

Also, banknote with error is cataloged. Due to a high population of banknotes with error, special mention in Bolívar Fuerte, error with significant changes is only being cataloged.

Serie interval

The research of serie interval is done by taking note of the lowest and highest serial number of the banknotes. These allow to estimate the amount and serial interval. These informations are displayed in the details of each issue and in the files available in Downloads.

This research is done for banknotes issued since 2007 (Bolívar Fuerte and Bolívar Soberano) and in some replacement serie before 2006.

The reports of the serie can be done by sending a photograph (high quality is not required) though Contact.

Serie prefix

The research of the series prefixes consists in keeping notes of the first digits of the banknote serials, usually from 2 to 5 digits depending on the estimated amount of emission. These annotations help to keep track of the behavior of the emission of the series and thus determine possible series intervals that may occur, especially the replacement series. The collected information is displayed in the details of each issue, as well as in the file available in Downloads.

This research is carried out specially for:

  • Issues since 2007 (Bolívar Fuerte, Bolívar Soberano and Bolívar Digital)
  • Some issues before 2006 (Bolívar) when there are doubt about the amount of issue, such as banknotes of 1 Bolívar, 2 Bolívares and replacements series.
  • Numbered specimen pieces
  • Example:
    • When it's indicated "B43", it means that the banknote which the serial begins with B43XXXXXX is known.
    • When it's indicated "B40-B50", it means that the banknote which the serial begins B40XXXXXX through B50XXXXXX is known.

    The serie prefix reports can be made by sending a photograph (high quality is not needed) through Contact.

Known pieces

The serial number of banknotes that are considered scarse is being registered to make a census of surviving pieces. Most of these piece are those issued before 1945. The information is displayed in the details of the piece.

The information is collected by checking auctions or by receiving reports using Contact.

Research note
Following, are research notes of pieces or classification in process, that may end in extension, addition or deletion of estimated serial interval, or other conclusive information.
CodeCode description
bbcv1000000bss-aa01rBanknote from the Banco Central de Venezuela, 1,000,000 Bolívares Soberanos. Design A, Type A. Date Septiembre 03 2020. Serie X8. Replacement banknote
There are serial reports that are being studied to determine their proper behavior and cataloging. Some of these pieces have serie starting with X003790xx, X005790xx, X007299xx, X011799xx, X012290xx, X012790xx, X013299xx, X014290xx, X015799xx, X016290xx, X016299xx. If you have similar pieces or pieces out of interval, you can contact and send us a photograph to carry out the investigation.
bbcv1000000bss-aa01r2Banknote from the Banco Central de Venezuela, 1,000,000 Bolívares Soberanos. Design A, Type A. Date Septiembre 03 2020. Serie Z8. Replacement banknote, second interval
There is an ongoing research of same serial prefix and number with the replacement pieces of type B bbcv1000000bss-ab01r.
bbcv1000000bss-ab01rBanknote from the Banco Central de Venezuela, 1,000,000 Bolívares Soberanos. Design A, Type B. Date Septiembre 03 2020. Serie Z8. Replacement banknote
There is an ongoing research of same serial prefix and number with the replacement pieces of type A bbcv1000000bss-aa01r2.
bbcv100000bsf-acBanknote from the Banco Central de Venezuela, 100,000 Bolívares Fuertes. Design A, Type C
There are serial reports that are being studied to determine their proper behavior and cataloging. Some of these pieces have serie starting with Z000302XX-Z000312XX. If you have similar pieces or pieces out of interval, you can contact and send us a photograph to carry out the investigation.
bbcv100000bsf-ac01rBanknote from the Banco Central de Venezuela, 100,000 Bolívares Fuertes. Design A, Type C. Date Diciembre 13 2017. Serie Z8. Replacement banknote
There are serial reports that are being studied to determine their proper behavior and cataloging. Some of these pieces have serie starting with Z000302XX. If you have similar pieces or pieces out of interval, you can contact and send us a photograph to carry out the investigation.
bbcv100000bsf-ac01r3Banknote from the Banco Central de Venezuela, 100,000 Bolívares Fuertes. Design A, Type C. Date Diciembre 13 2017. Serie Z8. Replacement banknote, third interval
There are serial reports that are being studied to determine their proper behavior and cataloging. Some of these pieces have serie starting with Z000296XX, Z000302XX. If you have similar pieces or pieces out of interval, you can contact and send us a photograph to carry out the investigation.
bbcv100bss-aa03r4Banknote from the Banco Central de Venezuela, 100 Bolívares Soberanos. Design A, Type A. Date Mayo 18 2018. Serie Z8. Replacement banknote, fourth interval
The research of this replacement serie interval began in November 2019 with the first known piece. After gathering information of replacement serie pieces dated 18 Mayo 2018 for 13 months until December 2020, there are no evidence that this serie interval has continuity with the the third interval bbcv100bss-aa03r3 because there are no known pieces with serie between "Z05576700" and "Z0617XXXX" which span apart about 593,300 pieces.
bbcv10bsf-aa02rBanknote from the Banco Central de Venezuela, 10 Bolívares Fuertes. Design A, Type A. Date Septiembre 03 2009. Serie Z8. Replacement banknote
There are high possibility that serial starting from Z077 to Z085 does not exist, and this piece could be splited in two interval in the future, lowering to 3,195,000 estimated pieces.
bbcv20bsd-aa01r2Banknote from the Banco Central de Venezuela, 20 Bolívares Digitales. Design A, Type A. Date Abril 29 2021. Serie X8. Replacement banknote, second interval
There are serial reports that are being studied to determine their proper behavior and cataloging. Some of these pieces have serie starting with X01751xxx. If you have similar pieces or pieces out of interval, you can contact and send us a photograph to carry out the investigation.
bbcv50000bss-ab01rBanknote from the Banco Central de Venezuela, 50,000 Bolívares Soberanos. Design A, Type B. Date Enero 22 2019. Serie X8. Replacement banknote
There are serial reports that are being studied to determine their proper behavior and cataloging. Some of these pieces have serie starting with X04757xxx. If you have similar pieces or pieces out of interval, you can contact and send us a photograph to carry out the investigation.
bbcv50bsd-aa01r3Banknote from the Banco Central de Venezuela, 50 Bolívares Digitales. Design A, Type A. Date Abril 29 2021. Serie X8. Replacement banknote, third interval
There are serial reports that are being studied to determine their proper behavior and cataloging. Some of these pieces have serie starting with X01698xxx. If you have similar pieces or pieces out of interval, you can contact and send us a photograph to carry out the investigation.