Numismatic Catalog of Venezuela
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Page code brv5ps-aa
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Piece brv5ps-aa01c2-d4 (Obverse)
Photo from piece brv5ps-aa01c2-d4: Design A, Type A. Province of Yaracuy. Date Diciembre 03 1860. Serie D4
Photograph credits: JAG
Piece brv5ps-aa01c2-d4 (Reverse)
Photo from piece brv5ps-aa01c2-d4: Design A, Type A. Province of Yaracuy. Date Diciembre 03 1860. Serie D4
Photograph credits: JAG
  • Identification Code: brv5ps-aa
  • Size: 255 x 120 mm (10.04 x 4.72 in.)
  • Obverse: In the top, the issuer name "REPUBLICA DE VENEZUELA" «Republic of Venezuela», "Decreto del Poder Ejecutivo de 2 de Agosto de 1860" «Decree of the Executive Power of August 2nd 1860» and the issue amount "$1.000.000". On each side, the denomination value "$5". In the center, the value in words "CINCO" «five», the interest value "Cuarto" «quarter» and the province, within the payment clause "Vale por ________ pesos sencillos con el interes diario de ________ centavo desde 1° de Setiembre de 1860, pagaderos en la Tesoreria de la Provincia de ________ con los fondos de la contribucion sobre la exportacion aplicados exclusivamente a amortizar el millon de pesos de esta emision. Su amortizacion se hara mensualmente por órden de Series y el Poder Ejecutivo se reserva convertir en cualquier tiempo esta emision por dinero en efectivo, todo de conformidad con las resoluciones ejecutivas de 23 y 30 de Agosto de 1860 que la reglamentan" «Worth ________ pesos sencillos with a daily interest of ________ cents from 1 September 1860, payable at the Treasury of the Province of ________ with funds from the tax upon the exportation applied only to amortize the million of pesos of this emission. The Amortization will be monthly by order of Series and The Executive reserves at any time convert this emission for cash, all in accordance with executive resolutions of August 23 and 30, 1860 that regulate». On the bottom left, the province filling space "Provincia de ________", the filling space for the amount of issue of the serie in the province "Total de la serie en esta provincia $________" and the date filling space "Emitido ________ de 186____".
  • Reverse: No design.
  • Signatures: "El Secretario de Hacienda" «The Secretary of Treasure», "El Tesorero" «The Treasurer» and "El Contador General" «The general accountant»
Improve the catalog
- If you have an unlisted piece, you can send a comment along with a photograph following the instructions in the Contact section for verificaton and cataloging. Your contribution will be appreciated and will help to improve the quality of this website.
- Due to the absence of official information on the banknotes issuance made by private and public entities before the creation of the Central Bank of Venezuela, the list includes known pieces or pieces referenced in a bibliography.
SCWPM Piece Code Date Serie Amount
(Formelly as brv5p-aa01c1-f4) Entry with photo to improve (R)
Agosto 02 1860
Province of Caracas
N/Lbrv5ps-aa04c1-r0 Entry with updated photo (N) Noviembre 20 1860
Province of Caracas
(Formelly as brv5p-aa01c2-b4) Entry with photo (R)
Noviembre 25 1860
Province of Yaracuy
N/Lbrv5ps-aa02c1-v4 Entry with incomplete photo (R) Noviembre 26 1860
Province of Caracas
N/Lbrv5ps-aa02c2-d4 Entry with photo (R) Diciembre 02 1860
Province of Yaracuy
N/Lbrv5ps-aa01c2-d4 Entry with photo (R) Diciembre 03 1860
Province of Yaracuy
N/Lbrv5ps-aa03c2-d4 Entry with photo (R) Diciembre 04 1860
Province of Yaracuy
N/Lbrv5ps-aa01c2-g0 Entry with updated photo (N) Febrero 15 1861
Province of Yaracuy
N/Lbrv5ps-aa01c2-i4 Entry with photo (E) Abril 03 1861
Province of Yaracuy. Merged with brv5ps-aa01c2-j4
(Formelly as brv5p-aa01c2-j4) Entry with photo (R)
Abril 03 1861
Province of Yaracuy
(Formelly as brv5p-aa01c1-m4) Entry with incomplete photo (R)
Octubre 17 1862
Province of Caracas
Piece information
No change
Unconfirmed (C)
Added recently (N)
Deprecated (E)
Updated (A)
Unverified (V)
In revision (R)
  • Unconfirmed: Referenced piece that it's not confirmed the existence.
  • Added recently: Piece added since 20 November, 2024
  • Deprecated: Piece deleted and no longer valid.
  • Updated: Piece updated since 20 November, 2024
  • Unverified: Piece that should exists but no verified piece is known.
  • In revision: Catalogued piece that is under revision.

Entry without photo

Entry with photo

Entry with updated photo

Entry with incomplete photo

Entry with photo to improve

N/L Not Listed in Standard Catalog of World Paper Money (SCWPM)
XX.XXX.XXX ? Estimated amount, not confirmed
NOTE: The piece identification from the Standard Catalog of World Paper Money (SCWPM) used in this website is updated to: Specialized issues (7th edition - 1995), General issues 1368-1960 (14th edition - 2012) and Modern issues 1961-2019 (25th edition - 2019)
Recommended bibliography